REGISTERED OFFICE: DRY ICE MAKERS ®, Suite 106, 275 Deansgate, Manchester, M3 4EL.

UK: 0343 289 0663 | Int: +44 343 289 0663
Message: WhatsApp

REGISTERED OFFICE: FABRICANTES DE HIELO SECO, MÁLAGA, Oficina No: 360, C/ Juan Martínez Montañés, 8, Local 4, Carretera de Cádiz, 29004 Málaga, Spain

SPAIN: 664 61 82 64 | Int: +34 664 61 82 64
Message: WhatsApp

Our online order system works in realtime as is the same system via the phone, I would always recommend purchasing through our online portal which links directly with our production schedule & referred over to our drivers within your local cities.

Please note emergency you should always use 999 if lives are a risk, if you require urgent support please feel free to contact us on the chosen land lines above, we have teams across the world working around the clock to ensure you are safe.